Grooming salon 2.0
Did your doodle’s hair explode again? Did Bobby jump into that dirty ditch at full speed, despite your frantic efforts to call him? (‘Normally he always listens. Yes, really!’) Or do you not understand that Luna is not yet bald because her entire fur seems to be on your couch?
I can help you. In the most beautiful and nicest grooming salon in the Netherlands. With the very best materials and care products. Really and truly. Feel free to come and have a look. Grooming salon 2.0. A nice place for your dog, for you and for me. In peace and quiet and with all the love and attention, I will make your dog the most beautiful dog in the world again. We discuss what your dog likes, but also what your dog does not like or what he/she is afraid of. is. We determine the best treatment together based on your dog’s character, coat and your wishes.
So call me, text me or email me. You can reach me on telephone number 06 – 19 19 06 06 and by e-mail at
Or even better: come and visit us. Together with your dog! You are always welcome. Then you see me and my grooming salon and that still says a lot more than a web page like that. You will find me at Gouwe 3a in Barendrecht. The cookie bar is open!
Good care is important!
Reserve an appointment today
I’m Merlin.
Redhead and dog groomer. So The Ginger Groomer.
Crazy aboutRotterdam, sushi, thealmond blossom by Van Gogh and piano music byJoep Beving enLudovico Einaudi. And on dogs of course! All dogs, but secretly the most likeDalí and Banksy, my poodles. Also redheads by the way.

The Ginger Groomer